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- It's Money Making Time
It's Money Making Time
You Have to Win in a Bull Market
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The industrial real estate market in the US is experiencing a period of remarkable growth. Clarion Partners’ latest research report examines the strong performance of the sector, which is driven by e-commerce companies, strategic inventory stockpiling and the development of specialized subtypes such as industrial outdoor storage (IOS). Discover top insights on why US industrial real estate continues to outperform.
You have to make money in a bull market to be a successful investor. Now is that time.
The following indexes are at or near an all-time high:
The S&P 500
Equal-weight S&P 500
Mid caps,
Dow Jones Industrial Average, Foreign developed stocks.
This morning, only two stocks in the S&P 500 were making 52-week lows. 44 hit a 52-week high.

I don’t talk much about individual stocks here, but if you’re picking stocks, now is not the time for bottom fishing. 75% of S&P components are above their 200-day moving average. This is high, but not like “oh no we’re overheated sell everything” high. A green traffic light, if you will.

Most stocks are working right now, so if you’re looking at something in a downtrend, there’s probably a very good reason investors aren’t interested. Making money in stocks is hard. No need to make it any harder than it already is. Now is a time to avoid the laggards.
If you spent the last year watching the market go up without you, or you messed around trading in and out and missed the meat of the move, I would respectfully consider you hand over your portfolio to a professional. This market has been about as easy a ride as you’re ever going to see. I won’t put a link to Ritholtz Wealth Management, because I don’t want to be simultaneously disrespectful and also self-serving, but we’re pretty good at helping people reach their financial goals.
The good news is that most of you are not picking individual stocks. Most of you are not timing the market. Most of you are putting money in your retirement accounts and letting compounding work its magic. Credit to you.
It’s 1:30 on Thursday and we’re getting ready to talk with Tom Lee on TCAF. Tom gets a lot of shit from haters, but he is an incredible counter example to this thing that perfectly describes Wall Street (credit Jason Zweig’s father):
Lie to people who want to be lied to, and you’ll get rich.
Tell the truth to those who want the truth, and you’ll make a living.
Tell the truth to those who want to be lied to, and you’ll go broke.
Tom is getting rich telling the truth to those who want the truth. We’ve been in a secular bull market for the last however many years, and Tom has been on the right side of it the whole way up. If you think that’s easy, then please tell me how many other people in his profession have done the same? You won’t find many others. All credit to Tom. It’s easy to be bearish. It’s hard to be bullish.
Hope you enjoy the episode, and hope you’re making money in this market. It won’t always be this easy, so enjoy it while it lasts.